There are very few eating restrictions for denture wearers, once you get used to wearing them. However, dentures are not as efficient as real teeth. If you experience eating difficulties at any time, it is important to contact your dentist. Poorly-fitting dentures can contribute to eating difficulties. Dentures that fit correctly are vital for enjoying a well-balanced diet that includes a wide range of foods.
Dentures are very durable but that doesn’t make them indestructible. They can discolour, chip, break, and bend out of shape. With good care, your dentures should last for many years. Here are some tips for maintaining the appearance and extending the life of your dentures:
Use a brush designed specifically for dentures and a denture cleaner. Regular toothpaste can be too harsh for dentures
Store dentures in a container of denture-cleaning solution or water
Soak in warm, not hot water. Hot water can damage their shape
Use an effervescent cleansing tablet once a week to kill odour-causing bacteria
Dentures offer many benefits to the millions who wear them. While they take some initial adjustment, they can enhance your smile as well as your long-term confidence. Return to your dentist at least once a year to evaluate fit, appearance, and to receive an oral cancer screening.